The Fields Girls

Barrett Michael Christmas 2008
August? Was August really the last time I blogged??
How sad, how embarrassing, how, how....how real life.
We've had a lot of real life happen in the last 6(gulp) months. We went from a one to two income family. I began teaching fifth grade at Griffin Elementary in October. I absolutely love it! I love the school, I love the grade, I love the kids, I love my team. Ok, I'm gushing. I'll stop now. It's just that those of you who know me know I was somewhat hesitant at the thought of re-entering the classroom.
Barrett is in daycare full time and Bobby and I both agree that it has been good for him. Tonight he recited the Three Little Pigs to me before bedtime. It was so unbelievably cute!
Prescott is in eighth grade and is fast approaching 14. I guess there's no turning back from having a teenager in the house now.
Patty is in sixth grade this year and is active i a 4H chapter her mother has started. She still loves to read and is as sweet as ever.
Bobby is still a fence guy I picked up one weekend during a golf tournament. Boy, one day can change your life. I think I love him more every day.
We are expecting puppies next week and praying for a healthy litter and mother. Hopefully we will still have buyers, what with the economy turned the way it has. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about having a houseful of growing, gangly silver and charcoal labs that I can't sell to anyone and am too stubborn to give away. We're all excited and I am just a touch of scared
#@$less. When we decided to take on this little adventure back in December Bobby thought he could arrange his schedule so that he could work from home most days in the first week or two to look after mama and babies since I would be working all day. We didn't want to risk losing any pups to hypothermia since they are so susceptible to in in the first days and weeks. WELL, not kidding, Bobby has a convention....in Las Vegas....right in the middle of our window of 1/21. (Good thing I love him more every day.)