Friday, May 30, 2008

Barrett's Birthday

We went bowling! Had pizza, cake and played lots of games.

You know what they say about the best laid plans......We were planning on eight kids....two showed up including the birthday boy. Let's just say there was plenty of cake and pizza to go around. Lala, Papa and Aunt Angie made it along with Kevin, Mandy, Joey and William Strickland. Mimi got held up in traffic and road construction and made it to the house after the party was over. The Mikosh family made it as well. Josh and Cody were a welcome sight to Prescott and the three spent 50 dollars in tokens on games. (included in the party package). I think next year we'll try the park......

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

This Mother's Day weekend was what you could call "nontraditional." My mother agreed to keep Barrett, Patty and Prescott were, of course, with their mother, and Bobby and I went on a little vacation. We decided at the last minute to go to San Antonio and try Sea World without any kids. We had such a good time. We rode roller coasters, went down water slides and spent the day together with no distractions from one another. We made it back in time Sunday to pick up Barrett and spend time with Prescott after he came home. He even bought us a fried chicken dinner for Mother's Day.